Babies and young children's health

The personal child health record (red book)red book

Shortly before or after your baby is born, you'll be given a personal child health record (PCHR). This usually has a red cover and is often called the "red book". It's a handy way for you to keep track of your child's health and progress, and can be shared with their health professionals.

It's a good idea to take your baby's red book with you every time you visit the baby clinic, your GP, or hospital. Your baby's health professionals will use it to record your child's weight and height, vaccinations, and other important health information.

Find out more about your baby's vaccinations on the NHS website

You can also add information to the red book yourself. You may want to record any illnesses or accidents your baby has, and details of any medicines they take.

You'll find it helpful to keep the developmental milestones section of the red book up-to-date and fill in the relevant questionnaires before each routine review.

  • Child Development: THURSDAYS 2.00pm to 3.00pm. We consider your child’s health is extremely important and advice is always available. At 6-8 weeks we hope to see you mother and baby for a check up with your doctor.
  • Immunisations: THURSDAYS 2.00pm to 5.00pm.
    Following the child development check, there is an immunisation clinic which is held on Thursdays.
    If you have missed an appointment for immunisation and want to come along without an appointment card please telephone to ensure there is a clinic running.
    You are invited to discuss with a doctor any concerns you have regarding immunisation for your child at your 6 week check.
  • Flu Vaccination: This is a nasal spray rather than an injection and has proved extremely effective. Clinics start in September and parents of children with health conditions and are therefore at risk, will be contacted shortly either by text, email or letter. 
  • Well Baby: This is organised by the Health Visitors at The Boundstone Children and Family Centre, Boundstone Lane, Lancing on Wednesdays from 1.30-3pm. No appointment is needed.