Book Appointments

Our Appointments

We appreciate the kind words, patience and support towards our staff from so many people that use our services.  We can also understand and share people's frustration at times when our services may be stretched. Our trained team will ask for details when you call, so they can direct you to the best member of the team, to help you in the most appropriate timescale.

We want you to have a safe sustainable service at Ball Tree. Please think about choosing from all our team members and using our self-care and self-service options which many people have found really helpful.  We work incredibly hard every day to provide a safe and caring service, we are doing our best in very challenging circumstances. Please help us to help you by being kind to all the teams when you get in touch - we will always try to offer you whatever we can as soon as we can. We operate a zero tolerance policy. 

Appointment Mix

We are constantly monitoriting our mix of prebookable and on the day appointments.  We aim to balance this according to the staff available on any given day.  We have increased the number of pre-bookable appointments, however the demand is very high.  We now have a GP in our reception team on most days who will help prioritise and allocate requests for on the day appointments.  We have 100% use of GP appointments every day.

We have two locations, please always check where your appointment is before coming in to see us
  • Main site - Western Road North, Sompting Lancing, BN15 9UX 
  • Kingfisher Branch - 19 to 21 Culver Road, Lancing, BN15 9AX
Please keep your contact information up to date

Please make sure that we always have your current mobile phone number and email address. (Update your information here)
We send out texts to enable you to book appointments online and to remind you when to come in.  The NHS App will help you to receive communications.

Pharmacy First

For some more simple matters, we may offer you Pharmacy First this is a new national scheme to help people be seen faster at local pharmacies.  This service is benefitting many local people.

The NHS App

We invite you to use the NHS App / General information on the NHS App and where to download.

Contacting us by Phone

Our phone lines are open Monday to Friday from 8:00am to 12:00pm and then from 2:00pm to 6:00pm

Our phones can be incredibly busy, often with over 450 calls per day.  Please be kind and patient with our Reception Team.

Use the phone call back option

We strongly recommend using the option to receive a call-back to save you waiting in a queue if the phone system offers this service to you. (This is usually available until 11:45am in the morning and until 4:45pm in the afternoon).  Note that there may be several phone queues happening at any one time - so when the phone system says you are number x in the queue - it will be for the option that you have chosen.  There will be other callers queuing for other options at the same time.

Urgent Matters

We only take calls about urgent matters between 12:00 and 2:00pm and between 6:00pm and 6:30pm

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Self-Care Advice

You can often sort your own health issues without needing to see us

The NHS website and are two excellent websites you can use free of charge.

They have powerful search functions so you can find what you need quickly.

We also have lots of advice via our website

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The Right Care for You

The Right Care for You


Traditionally when we have felt unwell we would make an appointment to see our GP.

As the NHS has developed and our demands on it have grown, a number of other roles have been introduced. 

Many of these are specialist in nature and this means that having an appointment with someone with special training or an interest related to your health issue is more beneficial than the generality of a GP. 

There will be times when it will be necessary to see the doctor, but often there are other people at the surgery who can provide more specialist care and faster, this then allows our GP team to focus on those who need their care the most.

Below is a description of some of the other members of our healthcare team and how they can assist you.  

Mental Health Support Workers

Providing support to patients who are struggling to cope with stress, anxiety, depression or a personality disorder. There is both an adult service and a separate child service (for children aged 8-18) provided by Mind, which aims to help improve your coping skills, using Cognitive Behavioural Therapy techniques to help you improve your independence and resilience.

This is not a counselling service.

The Mental Health Support Worker works with you to help you to begin actively taking steps towards your own recovery.

A GP referral is required into the service, please call and make an appointment if you would like to discuss this.

Social Prescribers

Social Prescribing is an opportunity to talk at length about any worries that might be affecting health and wellbeing in a safe environment. The service supports individuals to make positive changes in their life and within their communities by linking them to volunteers, activities, voluntary and community groups, and public services that can help. You might be worried about housing and finance, suffering from loneliness or keen to find out about local courses. You can find out more about the Going Local service at: Phil's Going Local Story | Adur & Worthing Councils - YouTube. You can either be referred to the service by a healthcare professional, or alternatively self-refer here. To find out more information about social prescribing please click or tap here

Wellbeing Advisors

Our Wellbeing Advisor offers interventions to actively support behavioural change, particularly for individuals with long-term conditions where lifestyle change could help. Such advice may focus on weight management, adhering to a treatment regime, becoming more active or managing mood. Support is also on offer for those who would like to take a preventative approach to  reducing their risk of heart disease, stroke, cancer and type 2 diabetes through following a health lifestyle. Our GPs refer patients to ????? or alternatively you can call the surgery and ask to make an appointment

Care Coordinators

Becky and Karen are the Ball Tree Surgery’s Care Coordinators. They work with patients with long term conditions and complex health and social needs to offer support and guidance on accessing services. They particularly focus their time on frail individuals, those with learning disabilities those with severe mental illness and their carers. The aim of Care Coordinators is to enhance the quality of an individual’s care and support them to manage their long-term needs to live as well and as independently as possible. Please ask a member of our reception team if you think that you or a loved one would benefit from speaking with the Care Coordinator team.

Pharmacy Team

Our Pharmacy Team of 2 Clinical Pharmacists and 3 Pharmacy Technicians focus on day-to-day medication queries from patients, and hospital letters and discharges, and ensure all patients are monitored appropriately for the medications they are taking. The team focus on Care Home residents and Structured Medication Reviews for those on complex and problematic polypharmacy in particular.

Paramedic Practitioner

Our Paramedic Practitioner helps to triage patients by providing safe, individualised patient care. They work as part of our multidisciplinary team and have regular contact with our GPs and Nurse Practitioners and will refer patients on when necessary. Our paramedic carries out face-to-face examinations and home visits will be carried out for our most vulnerable patients with acute, ongoing and complex health needs.


We have first contact practitioners attached to our surgery providing care for those with complex musculoskeletal (MSK) conditions.

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Speak to a Pharmacist

Your pharmacy can advise you on minor illness without the need of an appointment. Please speak to a pharmacist first.

Pharmacy Logo

Pharmacy & Self-Care

Pharmacists are qualified healthcare professionals who can offer clinical advice, over the counter medicines and their use, to effectively and safely manage a range of minor health concerns. They can also help you to decide whether you'll need to see a doctor. You don't need an appointment and you won't even be asked to make a purchase. Every pharmacy also has a private consultation area for you to talk about your symptoms in private if you prefer.


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Book a Blood Test

We provide limited blood tests for people aged 16 and over. It will likely be faster for you to collect a blood form from us and book a hospital appointment

Book a Blood Test @ the Hospitals

Introduction - Adult Blood Tests

We have a very limited number of blood test appointments each day. 

We are also limited by the timing of our blood courier collections by the hospital to have appointments earlier in the day.

Using the hospitals

It will often be faster for you to collect a blood test form from the surgery, and book to have your blood taken at Worthing or Southlands Hospitals. 

NOTE 1: 
The hospitals no longer offer a walk in service.
NOTE 2: The hospital will not take your blood without a blood form.
NOTE 3: Our Reception Team can only print out blood forms that have been set up by Clinical Team members at the Surgery. We cannot print out forms for blood tests requested by the hospitals.
NOTE 4: You can collect a blood form from the Reception Desks at either of our sites.

How to book blood test appointment at the hospitals

Local Blood Test Booking

Introduction - Children's Blood Tests

Ball Tree is only able to do blood tests for people aged 16 and over

For children aged 12 to 16, appointments have to be booked via the hospital. Please contact our Reception Team for more information

For children aged under 12, appointments are likely to be held at Bluefin Ward. Please contact our Reception Team for more information

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Book a GP Appointment

We have a mix of in-person and telephone, pre-bookable and on-the-day appointments with our GPs.
The demand far exceeds our capacity to provide appointments to meet the ask despite us increasing our GP numbers.

Our aim is to support you to access the right clinician for you as soon as we are able. Please answer all the questions from our trained reception team and they will guide you through our process. 

Please call 01903 752 200

The team may offer you options to be referred to a pharmacist for some conditions, or to one of our in house specialist team of clinicians.  This may help you be supported sooner.  Please note that all our clinical team have access to a GP where this may be needed.  We also have options for appointments for early evening and Saturday mornings for certain conditions.

If you are coming to see us in person, please check which location your appointment is – either our main location in Sompting or our Kingfisher Branch in Lancing.

URGENT GP Appointments

If you feel you need to talk with a GP about an urgent matter choose this option on the phone. The reception team will ask you questions.  Your answers will be shared with the Duty GP for that day.  The Duty GP will decide what the best option will be for you and will call you back and either support you on the phone or ask you to come in for a face to face appointment on the day.  The Reception Team cannot book an appointment with the Duty GP - the GP will make the arrangements.

Non-Urgent GP Appointments

Where possible, we encourage you to see the same GP for ongoing concerns.  This may not always be possible, but please ask the Reception Team to see when the next available appointment is with the GP you have seen most recently if you think that this would help.  We have a limited number of appointments available for pre-booking up to 2 weeks in advance.

Non-Urgent GP Appointments - Early Morning + Evening and Weekend

We have a limited number of GP appointments provided outside our usual hours.  We have a mixture of in person and phone appointments.  The in-person appointments are located at Ball Tree Surgery, Western Road North, BN15 9UX

Contact Us Online - Non-Urgent Matters Only

We have an alternative route to the surgery instead of using the telephone.  Depending upon the information you share, it may be that you are able to receive an appointment via our online tool called 'Engage Consult'.  For more information use this LINK TO ONLINE SERVICES

There is also a great deal of self-help information to support you within Engage Consult – we recommend seeing if there is something in there that may help you.

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Book a Nurse Appointment

We have a range of appointments with our team of nurses and health care assistants each day

Ongoing Conditions

If you have an ongoing condition - such as Asthma or Diabetes if you have a mobile phone number we will send an invitation by text with a link for you to self-book into our appointment system.  This will save you having to call the surgery.  The invitations usually are sent out a few weeks before your birthday.  Please click on the text links as soon as you can, as they time out after a day or so.  Otherwise you will receive a letter or call.  If you have the NHS App your message may be sent to the App.  Please make sure you have NHS App Notifications switched to ON.

Please let us know if you think you are due a review.  We offer a mix of phone and in-person appointments depending upon your individual needs.


Specialist Clinics

Child immunisations

Coils and Implants

Travel Vaccinations

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Life Threatening - Go to A&E

If you or someone you know has a life-threatening condition, such as loss of consciousness, a sudden confused state, chest pain, breathing difficulties etc, you should call 999

In an EMERGENCY call 999.
Emergencies are situations that cannot be managed at home and may be life threatening

  Find Accident & Emergency services

Evening and Weekend Appointments

GP and Nurse appointments are now available during the evening and at the weekend at local GP access hubs

  • Urgent appointments for a new illness
  • Same day and next day appointments
  • Access to your GP medical records with your consent
  • Appointments booked via Ball Tree
  • Clinics are operated by IPC which is a not for profit organisation owned by local GP practices

If you are offered one of these appointments by the team please do consider accepting as it will likely mean that you are seen sooner.

We will lose this valuable service if people do not accept the appointments that we offer there.  

To keep your local GP service at Ball Tree available and sustainable we need our patients to see the most appropriate person and often this will be at the Access Hubs.

Talk to our reception team and they can advise you further!

Hospital Appointments and referrals

It is always faster for you to contact the hospital directly to find out more about waiting times for appointments.

Follow up on Hospital Appointments and Referrals