Local and National Support

Self Care Advice

Sometimes it is better for you to look after yourself at home for a while before coming to see us at the Surgery.

There are quite a few common illnesses where there some rest and simple medicines that you can find at the Chemist will help you to get better.

Often you may find that it is faster to talk with your local pharmacist for simple matters.  They are expertly trained and can provide lots of advice and guidance.

We strongly recommend that you visit Self Care Forum or NHS A-Z  before calling us, you can save yourself time and save the NHS unnecessary appointments

Support from Adur and Worthing Councils

If you are feeling vulnerable

As your surgery we think it is vitally important that we all support each other in our community in this difficult time. (If you are available to volunteer there is details to follow soon)

Those people in the community who are feeling vulnerable during the coronavirus outbreak are being given the opportunity to connect with a neighbourhood team that may be able to help. Please connect those you know and feel may benefit from this if you think they may not have access to this information.

Adur and Worthing Councils together with colleagues in the NHS and volunteers are currently establishing neighbourhood teams which will help vulnerable people who are isolated and in need of help with practical issues (see below)

If you have received a letter or text from the NHS or the Surgery titled “Important Advice”, as someone at risk of severe illness please also ensure you have registered with gov.uk to ensure that you receive  additional support from the government and West Sussex County Council, this includes provision of a basic food package and household essentials will be supplied and delivered by major food service suppliers with established national delivery infrastructure.

Alongside this help for those who have received the letter we aim to support people living alone and self isolating without help from friends or family.

Community support might include help with food, help with money for example benefit claims, having someone to talk to, mental health support, safety advice, for example avoiding ‘scams’, and with accessing digital services

We aim to assess and support your needs as soon as possible and will deal with urgent requests first. Personal details will be safely shared with our community partners, which includes registered volunteers. 

If you cannot do so it is fine to ask a family member or friend from whom you are currently isolated to do it for you.

This is the most efficient way of registering for help - and if you have internet you should only use this link.

If someone cannot go online they or someone on their behalf can ring the hotline to register and someone will complete this form on their behalf.  The line is open Monday to Friday between 9am and 5pm. People should expect some delays via this option.  Everyone who has internet access should please fill in the form themselves online and or help others that may not have access by filling in the form for them.  The number is ONLY for those who do not have internet and do not have someone able to fill the form in for them.  The number itself is not for advice and guidance. Only call 01903 221222 if you have no internet access.

Once you have filled in this form your needs will be assessed and if deemed appropriate passed to one of our Neighbourhood Teams who will arrange to contact you.

We anticipate that many of the issues that people might need help with might include:

  • Help with food
  • Financial guidance - help with your money, for example benefits claims
  • Social isolation - Someone to talk to
  • Mental health support
  • Safety advice - scams
  • Support with accessing digital technology

Keeping Baby Safe

You can visit Net Mums where you can talk with other parents

If you are worried contact your health visitor or us to see how we can support.


Even at Ball Tree Surgery, we are unable to cure the common cold!

Your best option is to hide under the duvet and rest for a while if you are feeling really poorly.

To help with your symptoms:

  • Paracetomol (30 pence from the chemist) if you are feeling hot and feverish or have a headache
  • Paracetomol drink sachets - often in Lemon or Blackcurrent - Lemsip is a well known brand - but you can find alternative own brand versions that are less expensive

There is no medication that the GP can give you for a cold - they will provide the same advice as above.

Antibiotics fight infections that are caused by bacteria.

Most coughs and colds are caused by a virus; you will get better without an antibiotic.

Diarrhoea & Vomiting

If you have Diarrhoea and Vomiting please DO NOT COME TO THE SURGERY you are likely to be contagious and we don't want to be ill as well!
More importantly, others at the surgery who are already unwell may become very seriously unwell if they also weakened by your bug.

Please talk to our reception team over the phone and they will support you.

If you have diarrhoea or vomiting then you will likely become dehydrated (not enough water in your body) very quickly.  This can make you feel even more unwell.
You can help yourself by drinking plenty of water.  Even better, you can mix up a rehydration fluid that helps your body take in water more quickly.

Rehydration Mix

  • Wash your hands thoroughly before preparation
  • Boil up 1 Litre of water
  • Add 6 teaspoons of ordinary sugar and a half a teaspoon of salt to the pan of water and stir well until it is dissolved
  • Let the mixture cool and then drink - small amounts and often
  • If you have some, you can also add a pinch of Cream of Tartar as that contains Potassium which will also help. (If you watch The Great British Bake Off - then you will probably have some in your kitchen cupboard)
  • Bananas also contain potassium and diluted fresh orange juice or Green Coconut Water will also help